Un esempio di governance condivisa: il Sistema Informativo Sanitario

di Giuseppe Beato
Federazione nazionale dei dirigenti e delle alte professionalità della funzione pubblica

The study aims at demonstrating that the strategic focus of the design and implementation phase of an Information Technology project and/or database has a huge value in the public sphere.

di Giuseppe Beato – Federazione nazionale dei dirigenti e delle alte professionalità della funzione pubblica

The study aims at demonstrating that the strategic focus of the design and implementation phase of an Information Technology project and/or database has a huge value in the public sphere. Although hardware media-broadband, cloud, interoperability, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are fundamental, they cannot replace the specific design dimension of a project. In particular, good design and implementation become crucial when multiple institutional players, such as the state, regions and local governments, are involved. With this in mind, we analyze the New Health Information System, implemented to support the multiple and complex aspects of National Health System (NHS): for most of its information components, it rests on a good regulatory framework and proper inter-institutional and governance relations; by contrast, its other key component, the Electronic Health Record with its the poorly regulated spirit and supporting design have generated unsatisfactory results and wasted public money. The study extrapolates some rules of good and bad functioning resulting from such experiences.

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