Volume 6 – Numero 1 – 2023
Novembre 19, 2024
di Luigi Fiorentino - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri e Elisa Pintus - Università della Valle d’AostaChe impatto avranno (e stanno avendo!) su un sistema complesso, quale è il sistema delle amministrazioni pubbliche, le infra- strutture digitali evolute ovvero i sistemi di intelligenza artificiale? Ci aiuteranno a rendere le amministrazioni più efficienti? Il loro agire meno paludoso?
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L’intelligenza artificiale sarà il più potente acceleratore dell’innovazione nelle istituzioni pubbliche?Novembre 20, 2024
di Michele Petrocelli - Dipartimento del Tesoro – Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze
Loredana Rinaldi - Dipartimento del Tesoro – Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze
Andrea Rollin- Dipartimento del Tesoro – Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze
Through a careful examination of Europe’s pioneering role in integrating artificial intelligence within public administration, this paper aims to gain a greater understanding of how artificial intelligence is transforming the governance landscape during the transition to a post-digital government era...
Loredana Rinaldi - Dipartimento del Tesoro – Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze
Andrea Rollin- Dipartimento del Tesoro – Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze
Through a careful examination of Europe’s pioneering role in integrating artificial intelligence within public administration, this paper aims to gain a greater understanding of how artificial intelligence is transforming the governance landscape during the transition to a post-digital government era...
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Novembre 20, 2024
di Mauro Palombi - Banca d'Italia
The ways by which technique – especially through artificial intelligence – has established itself and is changing the world in recent years have an effect on the way in which we need to look at business planning.
The ways by which technique – especially through artificial intelligence – has established itself and is changing the world in recent years have an effect on the way in which we need to look at business planning.
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Novembre 20, 2024
di Lorenzo Zandonà - Master in Management e Politiche delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni – Luiss School of Government
The re-use of data held by the public sector is a cornerstone of the European Union’s development policies. This paper assesses the capability of public administrations to provide environmental data collected under Directive 2010/75/EU and Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 in a volume and format that meets users’ informational needs.
The re-use of data held by the public sector is a cornerstone of the European Union’s development policies. This paper assesses the capability of public administrations to provide environmental data collected under Directive 2010/75/EU and Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 in a volume and format that meets users’ informational needs.
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Novembre 20, 2024
di Michela Soverchia - Università degli Studi di Macerata
The increasing interest of universities in issues concerning sustainability is demonstrated by the diffusion of strategies and activities related to environmental and social responsibility, as well as the adoption of accountability tools, as the sustainability reporting, which allow universities to communicate with their stakeholder about the sustainability development goals.
The increasing interest of universities in issues concerning sustainability is demonstrated by the diffusion of strategies and activities related to environmental and social responsibility, as well as the adoption of accountability tools, as the sustainability reporting, which allow universities to communicate with their stakeholder about the sustainability development goals.
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Novembre 20, 2024
di Maddalena Sanchietti - Dottoranda di ricerca in Public Management and Governance, Dipartimento di Management e Diritto,
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
The study analyzes ways in which the Italian public administration conceives the regulatory innovations recently introduced in Italy on participatory evaluation of public performances and how it intends to implement them.
The study analyzes ways in which the Italian public administration conceives the regulatory innovations recently introduced in Italy on participatory evaluation of public performances and how it intends to implement them.
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