February 16, 2024

The smart contract hypothesis in the public administration. Governance structures of digital innovation

di Rosaria Spina - Azienda Ospedaliera per l’emergenza “Cannizzaro” – Catania The aim of this article is analyzing the innovation of smart contracts in public administration. Moving from private sectors such as finance, media and insurance, smart contracts, based on blockchain paradigm, is a competitive factor in virtual market where stakeholders share outcomes and data.
February 16, 2024

National strategy of inland areas and optimal civil protection areas: a possible synergy for increasing territorial resilience

di Nicola Berni - Regione Umbria Italy is characterized by towns, rural areas and smaller clusters linked by a solid network of relations, and larger cities, attracting people thanks to their wealth and public services. Remote rural areas have been facing a period of abandonment in favor of urban ones, with a decline in essential services.